What is Citizen Identity Management(CIM)?

Edward W. Hood
4 min readSep 14, 2021
Call Center

Have you ever called into customer service, and the representative asked you to verify your personal information? The reason for this is because your data is stored in something called Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. A CRM can contain hundreds of millions of identities. These identities change at least 95,000 times a day.¹ Why? Because that’s how many people move every day in the United States. Customer service agents must update this information because outdated information costs companies and government agencies 20 billion dollars a year in undeliverable mail costs.²

What a CRM does for business, CIM will do for people. You see, CIM takes a physical identity process and makes it digital. Imagine if you needed to go and turn on utilities in your name or open a new credit card. You must provide physical documentation to prove your identity. But on the internet, we, the people, do not have that capability. Third parties who hoard our personally identifiable information do that for us. They sell our information to the tune of billions of dollars a year.³ Our identities are used as commodities. This practice stops with Mass Address.

Mass Address Delivering Identity

Mass Address is the name of my startup, and it seeks to deliver enterprise-level decentralized identity and Department of Defense level security. Instead of a bank going to a third party to validate your identity, they will come to you. You will be responsible for approving access to your identity.

Here are some facts about Mass Address.

Unlike the thousands of companies who operate in the identity market online, Mass Address does not store identities in a database. Mass Address cannot be subpoena to hand over identity information on its users because we do not store identity. We only provide access to identity. The owner of the identity is the only one who can authorize access to their identity. Mass Address is like the Uber® for identity. Uber® is a massive entity, but it doesn’t own the cars which deliver the service. Uber® provides the infrastructure and legal vehicle to provide a service. Mass Address operates the same way. Instead of users creating a profile on a database, users make what is known as a singularity.

Mass Address Singularity

A singularity is a new concept online, and it works like this. Every piece of information entered into the singularity creation process is treated as if it’s stolen. You could be sitting at the keyboard with your identity documents in front of you, and we will treat that information as if a hacker is entering it. A singularity is your way of telling the internet; I don’t care what identifying information you have about me. The only accurate information is contained in my singularity.

All information is vetted by your accounts online. This protocol means your name, addresses, social security number, phone number, place of birth, date of birth, and the like are validated by organizations that have already verified your identity. Once ALL pieces of your identity are vetted, your singularity is born.

A singularity can never be deleted because it represents a human being. Since Mass Address is entirely decentralized, a singularity cannot be lost in a breach, nor can your identity be sold to third parties because no single organization has a monopoly on the information.

ALL CRM’S containing your identity will receive real-time updates from your singularity. You will never have to update your information again in multiple places. The days of outdated profiles and account information will be over.

Why does the internet treat us like we’re a virus? We shouldn’t have to replicate our identity online. There are millions of organizations online, but there is only one YOU. This process is how identity should work online, and if we get funded, IT WILL.⁴

  1. https://facts.usps.com/total-address-changes/
  2. https://www.uspsoig.gov/comment/33791
  3. https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/21/09/g22761113/identity-and-access-management-market-to-reach-usd-24-76-billion-by-2026-cagr-of-13-2-is-expected
  4. https://www.massaddress.com



Edward W. Hood

Third Generation Warfighter🇦🇫Husband📜Father👶Entrepreneur💡